
Omega-3 box Christmas Limited Edition


1 hemp seeds oil 100 ml – 1 hemp seeds flour 250 gr – 1 hemp seeds 250 gr

Rich in Omega-3, Omega-6 and vitamins


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This box contains all of our functional food products. Yes, that’s right: our products are functional because they are rich in nutrients and vitamins that naturally support your immune system.

In our limited-edition WELLNESS IN THE KITCHEN box you will find:

  • 1 hemp seeds oil 100 ml, you can use it either as cold condiment for soups or salads or, on its own, as a natural supplement of Omega 3 and Omega 6;
  • 1 hemp seeds flour 250 gr, naturally gluten free and perfect to let you loose on sweet and sour recipes;
  • 1 organic hemps seeds 250 gr, gluten free